Reporting a complaint

Click the button below for our full complaint policy. The complaint policy details what parents can do if they are dissatisfied or have a complaint. It also describes how parents' complaints are handled and recorded.

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How do I report a complaint?

We feel it is very important to have a good relationship of trust with parents and caregivers. We do our very best to take good care of your child(ren). Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied and have questions about what you can do. If there is anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. It is most comfortable for all parties involved if a complaint is discussed and handled as soon as possible. Parents or guardians prefer to discuss a complaint first with the person directly involved. This way we can come to a solution together as quickly as possible.

Don't want to contact us directly? Parents can also discuss their complaint with the parent committee. The parent committee can give advice and serve as a mediator between parents and De Kleine Houtrakkers. All complaints are handled according to the complaints procedure. If the options do not lead to satisfactory solutions, a formal complaint can also be filed.

Childcare Complaints Desk

Should internal complaint handling not lead to a satisfactory solution, parents may seek information, counsel and advice externally. This can be done at Klachtloket Kinderopvang, located in The Hague.

Disputes Committee

Kindercentrum De Kleine Houtrakkers is affiliated with the Dispute Commission. You can register the dispute via the website In some cases it is important to submit the complaint directly to the Dispute Commission.

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