Double-check reception records

Do you receive childcare benefits? Then we do a double check for you with Belastingdienst/Toeslagen. It works like this:

Play block blue
Play block red

As a parent, you apply for the childcare allowance yourself. Every month we inform Belastingdienst/Toeslagen of the amount of childcare you have used. This is called 'data delivery'.

Are there striking differences? If so, you may receive a message from Belastingdienst/Toeslagen. If necessary, you can adjust your data yourself. This reduces the chance that you will have to repay (a lot of) allowance later.

Tip: check regularly whether your childcare benefit details are still correct. You can do this at or use the childcare allowance app from Belastingdienst/Toeslagen.

Registering your child

Receive a suitable offer for enrollment. Together we will look at your wishes and our possibilities. Don't be late in submitting, as our offer is constantly changing.

Banner childcare De Kleine Houtrakkers Haarlem
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